Step-by-Step Guide to Install Locomotive on Red Hat in 2024

Install Locomotive on Red Hat

Red Hat Linux is one of the most robust and reliable operating systems available, widely used in enterprise environments for its scalability and security. Locomotive, a popular web application platform built on Ruby on Rails, is a powerful tool for managing content and running web applications. This guide will take you step-by-step through the process of installing Locomotive on Red Hat, covering everything from prerequisites to configuration and optimization.

Understanding Locomotive and Red Hat Integration

Locomotive is a headless CMS (Content Management System) that empowers developers and businesses to manage and distribute content efficiently. Red Hat, a Linux-based operating system, provides the ideal environment for hosting Locomotive due to its stability and compatibility with open-source technologies. Integrating Locomotive with Red Hat combines the strengths of both platforms, offering a scalable solution for modern web applications.

By the end of this guide, you will have a fully operational Locomotive setup on Red Hat, ready to deploy and manage your web applications.

Prerequisites for Installing Locomotive on Red Hat

Before diving into the installation, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): Ensure your system runs Red Hat 8 or later.
  • Root or Sudo Access: Administrative privileges are necessary for software installation and configuration.
  • Ruby Environment: Locomotive is built on Ruby, so a compatible Ruby version must be installed.
  • Database: PostgreSQL is recommended for Locomotive, but MySQL can also be used.
  • Basic Linux Skills: Familiarity with terminal commands and file system navigation.

Having these prerequisites ready ensures a smooth installation process.

Setting Up the Ruby Environment

Locomotive runs on Ruby, making it essential to set up a compatible Ruby environment on your Red Hat system.

Installing Ruby

  1. Open your terminal and ensure your system is updated:
    sudo dnf update
  2. Install Ruby and its development tools:
    sudo dnf install ruby ruby-devel
  3. Verify the Ruby installation:
    ruby --version

Managing Ruby with RVM

For better control over Ruby versions, consider using RVM (Ruby Version Manager):

  1. Install RVM:
    curl -sSL | bash -s stable
  2. Load RVM and install the required Ruby version:
    source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
    rvm install 2.7.5
    rvm use 2.7.5 --default

Proper Ruby setup is crucial for Locomotive to function correctly.

Installing Node.js and Yarn

Node.js and Yarn are necessary for handling JavaScript dependencies in Locomotive.

  1. Add the Node.js repository:
    curl -fsSL | sudo bash -
  2. Install Node.js:
    sudo dnf install nodejs
  3. Install Yarn globally:
    sudo npm install -g yarn

These tools ensure Locomotive’s assets and dependencies are managed efficiently.

Setting Up the Database

Locomotive supports PostgreSQL and MySQL. In this guide, we use PostgreSQL for its performance and compatibility.

  1. Install PostgreSQL:
    sudo dnf install postgresql postgresql-server
  2. Initialize the database:
    sudo postgresql-setup --initdb
  3. Start and enable the service:
    sudo systemctl start postgresql
    sudo systemctl enable postgresql
  4. Create a database user and a database for Locomotive:
    sudo -i -u postgres
    createuser --interactive
    createdb locomotive_db

Your database is now ready for Locomotive.

Installing Locomotive

With the environment set up, you can now install Locomotive.

  1. Install the Locomotive gem:
    gem install locomotivecms
  2. Generate a new Locomotive project:
    locomotive new my_project
    cd my_project
  3. Install dependencies:
    bundle install
    yarn install

These steps create a functional Locomotive project directory.

Configuring Locomotive for Red Hat

Proper configuration ensures that Locomotive integrates seamlessly with your Red Hat system.

Configuring the Database

Update the config/database.yml file to match your PostgreSQL setup:

default: &default
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
pool: 5
username: your_db_user
password: your_db_password
host: localhost

Setting Environment Variables

Create an .env file for environment-specific settings, including your database credentials and secret keys.

These configurations optimize Locomotive for your Red Hat environment.

Testing and Running Locomotive

Before deploying, test your Locomotive installation to ensure it runs without errors.

  1. Start the Locomotive server:
    bundle exec rails server
  2. Access the application in your browser:
  3. Verify that Locomotive is functioning correctly by navigating through the admin panel and testing content management features.

Troubleshoot any errors before moving to production.

Deploying Locomotive on a Production Server

To deploy Locomotive on a production server, follow these steps:

  1. Set Up a Web Server: Use Nginx or Apache to serve the application.
  2. Enable HTTPS: Configure SSL/TLS certificates for secure connections.
  3. Optimize Performance: Use caching and background job processing for efficiency.
  4. Monitor Logs: Regularly check application logs to ensure smooth operation.

Production deployment ensures your Locomotive installation is accessible to users.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite careful installation, you might encounter issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

  • Database Connection Errors: Check your database configuration in database.yml.
  • Dependency Conflicts: Update Ruby, Bundler, and Yarn to the latest versions.
  • Port Access Issues: Ensure port 3000 is open and not blocked by a firewall.

Regular maintenance and updates help avoid these issues.


Installing Locomotive on Red Hat Linux is a comprehensive process that combines the power of a headless CMS with the reliability of one of the most robust Linux distributions. By following this step-by-step guide, you can create a seamless and efficient setup tailored to your project or organizational needs.

From setting up prerequisites and configuring the Ruby environment to database integration and deployment, each step is designed to ensure that Locomotive runs smoothly on your Red Hat system.


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